なぜわたしたちは美術館において、あらゆる展示品に触れてはいけないのでしょうか。Please Do Not Touchと同様に、「触れる」ということの影響をテーマとしている作品です。二つの同じドアノブを、一方は触れられることのない作品としての環境に、もう一方はドアノブ本来の役割を果たす環境に五日間置き、双方の変化の差異からこのルールを考察します。
Why are we not allowed to touch artworks in museums? Like the work Please Do Not Touch, this piece is about the effects of 'touching'. Two identical door handles are placed in the exhibition for five days, one in an environment where it is a work of art that cannot be touched, and the other in an environment where the door handle fulfils its intended function, and the differences in the changes between the two are used to examine this rule.
A Consideration of a Rule, 2017. Brass door handle, copper plated. 15 × 12.5 × 1.5 cm.
Mika Yamakoshi
Jewellery artist & hairdresser
The Exchange Example, 2024
Pieces, 2023
Object Lesson, 2022
Please Do Not Touch, 2017
A Consideration of the Rule, 2017
Stories of Absence, 2017
Pen/dant, 2017
Subjective Time Measurement, 2017
Take It With You —Slight Mercy—, 2015
Pieces, SOOT, Tokyo, JP, 2023
Object Lesson, necoma, Tokyo, JP, 2022
Object Lesson, C7C gallery, Nagoya, JP, 2021
Artists Fair Kyoto, Kyoto, JP, 2021
Object Lesson, Kamome Books, Tokyo, JP, 2020
Re-importation, Tokyo, JP, 2017
TRACTOR, D’CLINIC Studios, HU, 2018
Press, 2019
Jewellery Department, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL, 2017
Foundation Course, Central Saint Martins, London, UK, 2014
Nippon Beauty Academy, Tokyo, JP, 2006
Tokyo, JP