また、この作品には慎重に配置されたテキストが施され、第二のストーリーテリングのレイヤーを加えています。日常生活の中で書くことを始めた山越美佳は、それまで見落とされていた細かなディテールに注意を払うようになりました。ステューベンフォルの普通の中に特別なものを見つけるための注意力と同じく、彼女の文章は日常生活に詩的でユーモラスな要素を見出そうとしています。彼女は各単語を注意深く選び、それぞれのフレーズに時間をかけ何度も書くということを行うことで、やがてテキスト自体がイメージに変わっていき、第2のビジュアルサインとして機能するようになったといいます。最終的に選ばれた彼女の手書きのフレーズは、ステューベンフォルによってキャンバスにトレースされ、二人の手書き文字が組み合わさります。[...](SOOTでの展覧会に寄せて 文: Antonie Angerer)
[...] During his time in Tokyo, Daniel Stubenvoll collected a bundle of magazines and books from second hand book-shops. Unable to decipher the text, he build a collection based only on the images. The three groups of images exhibited, can be understood as one series, or a multiple of series. Continuing the artist’s ongoing investigation into what makes and unmakes the concept of a series, each image group or image can stand on its own or be shuffled and combined in its many variations.
The text carefully placed on the works exhibited at SOOT add a second layer of storytelling. Yamakoshi started to write during her daily life, starting to pay attention to details that would otherwise have been lost. Similar to Stubenvoll’s specific attentiveness to finding the special in the ordinary, her writing is finding the poetic and humorous in everyday life. She chose each word with care and spend time with every phrase, writing it over and over. The text eventually turned into an image itself, working as a second visual signifier. The final selection of her handwritten phrases are traced onto the canvas, joining both handwritings. [...] (Text by Antonie Angerer on the occasion of the exhibition at SOOT)
1, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Digital Print, Charcoral, Wood, Silver, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
2, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Digital Print, Charcoral, Wood, Silver, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
3, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Digital Print, Charcoral, Wood, Silver, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
*scenery, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Pigment Print, Wood, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
a, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Pigment Print, Charcoral, Wood, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
b, Pieces, Mika Yamakoshi + Daniel Stubenvoll, Pigment Print, Charcoral, Wood, Acrylic, 31,6 x 23,6 x 6,3 cm, 2023
Photo by Jens Gerber
Mika Yamakoshi
Jewellery artist & hairdresser
The Exchange Example, 2024
Pieces, 2023
Object Lesson, 2022
Please Do Not Touch, 2017
A Consideration of the Rule, 2017
Stories of Absence, 2017
Pen/dant, 2017
Subjective Time Measurement, 2017
Take It With You –Slight Marcy–, 2015
Pieces, SOOT, Tokyo, JP, 2023
Object Lesson, necoma, Tokyo, JP, 2022
Object Lesson, C7C gallery, Nagoya, JP, 2021
Artists Fair Kyoto, Kyoto, JP, 2021
Object Lesson, Kamome Books, Tokyo, JP, 2020
Re-importation, Tokyo, JP, 2017
TRACTOR, D’CLINIC Studios, HU, 2018
Press, 2019
Jewellery Department, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL, 2017
Foundation Course, Central Saint Martins, London, UK, 2014
Nippon Beauty Academy, Tokyo, JP, 2006
Tokyo, JP